So, now that I have realized the ability to modulate parameters with audio signals instead of CV's, I decided to try modulating the Filter of my Dark Energy using audio from a drum loop.
This yielded the expected results. The filter would sweep up and down in time with the 4x4 kick pattern I feed into it. But ultimately, this sound got boring pretty quick.
Then the fun began.. I decided to try modulating the filter with the audio from my guitar as I played.. I put my amp in stand by so as not to be distracted by my actual playing (Audio goes through my sound card before it hits my amp) and began playing some power cords.
But the best results came when I picked up my Ebo and used my Wah/HOG. It was extremely easy to get Ring Modulation type sounds, and slightly out of tune dual Oscillator sounds (impressive since the Dark Energy only has one Oscillator!). My favourite results came when I doubled the bass line on guitar, playing an octave up in register, and using the Ebo. This gave a small, smooth amount of modulation. Not too much to become distracting, and not too little as not to be noticed.
I will continue to experiment with different modulation techniques. And I will post some of my better successes for all to check out.
Thanks for the great tip! And thank you Dieter for a wonderful analogue piece of gear! I look forward to purchasing more of your fine equipment.. Holding my breath of a Dark Matter while I save for a Dark Time;)