it is not possible to achieve this with "official" means.
If you are skilled in electronics you might modify the A155, to get a 16
step mode.
It requires the following changes:
Pick Q4 from IC2 (CD4024) pin6 on the controller board
Add a pcb with a small logic inverter stage (one transistor, two
resistors), which provides this signal Q4 also inverted (I'll call the
inverted signal !Q4)
The Q4/!Q4-Signals will be used to control the INH-input of the CD4051's
on the potentiometer boards and the CD4053's on the trigger board
!Q4 selects for the steps 1-8 and Q4 the steps 9-16.
If you want to have it switchable, then you need two additional 4053's
which select the INH-lines between ground or Q4/!Q4.
aletropdj wrote:
> hi there.
> Its possible turn a a-155 into a 16 step seq with only one a-155
> Like tone up or down one octave (or some keys) at the 8th step automatically.
> There is some module to do that
> cheers
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