Sorry Pieter
do you have this is module A-165 Trigger-Modifier
if so, will take it with the rest of them.
2x A-140 Envelope Generator 45
A-162 Dual Trigger Delay 35
A-165 Trigger-Modifier 30
I make the total 115.00 with shipping
Sweet deal Pieter will pay tonight Via paypal
From: Pieter Volger <
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: 1 A100G3, A129, A140, A111, A116, A123, A145, A146, PlanB M15 VCO
I have to let go of a few more modules and reduced some prices:
A-100 G3 Base Frame 3 HE/Basic Frame 3U • 250,-
2x A-140 Envelope Generator • 45,-
A-111 Highend VCO • 180,-
A-160 Clock-Divider 35,-
A-161 Clk Sequencer 35,-
A-162 Dual Trigger Delay 35,-
A-165 Trigger-Modifier 30,-
A-129 Whole Vocoder-System including 1xA-129/1+2, 3xA-129/3, 1xA-129/4 und 1xA-129/5 • 600.-
plus shipping
all modules working perfectly in very good condition
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