> > Hi Dieter
> >
> > Should the A-183-1 passive attenuator cease passing a signal when
> > its knob is fully counter-clockwise
> >
> > A-143-4 triangle out --> A-183-1 --> A-124 CV1
> >
> > My A-183-1 attenuates the amount of LFO getting to the filter
> > cut-off, but it never fully attenuates when the knob is fully
> > counter-clockwise (i.e. "off"). Some LFO still gets through to
> > the filter. Both channels on the A-183-1 exhibit the same behaviour.
> >
> > Is that intentional Am I missing something in its usage
> >
> > Thanks.
> That's not the correct behaviour. The signal should be completely off if the
> knob is fully ccw. One explanation would be the usage of patch cables
> without GND because in this case the GND for the A-183-1 circuit is missing.
> The A-183-1 is a passive module and does not pick-up the GND from the bus
> board like other modules. It is essential that the GND is connected via the
> patch cables.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
Hi again Dieter
Well, it seems I am mistaken. Today the A-183-1 behaves exactly like you said it should. I have no idea what happened a few days ago...faulty patch cable maybe
Anyway, I thought I would reply to the group in case anyone thought there was a problem with A-183's. Mine is fine.