> Hey user group.
> i wanted to change the BBD IC from my delay and unfortunately I
> don't get a BBD signal anymore. Neither at the BBD out nor at the
> mix output, when i turn it completely wet. This happens with the
> old and the new BBD IC.
> When i clock it from an external oscillator I still get a BBD
> signal. Any idea Is the just oscillator IC damaged and needs to
> be replaced
> Thanks
Please try this: connect "Clk Out" to "Ext. Clk In". If then the module is
working probably the switching contact of the "Ext. Clk In" socket is worn
out. You may try to "repair" the socket by bending the metal part of the
switching contact a bit.
Otherwise the internal oscillator is defective and the module has to be sent
in for repair (or you try to replace the cicruits of the high speed vco).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer