when you get down to the actual physical implementation, digital electronic
signals still exist in analogue form (and the faster you go, the more they
end up being just like analogue signals....)
so you're declaring an arbitrary line here. Do you stop st the inclusion
of a microcontroller Or do you stop at the inclusion of any "logic" ic in
a circuit, even if it's not used for digital purposes (in that case, no
wasp filter for you!) Or do you draw the line at any "digital"
functionality in a module (sync input to a vco has a binary operational
effect on the behaviour of the osc.. gate or trigger input for an envelope
is similar.... Do you have no oscillators with a sync input and no
envelopes with gate or trigger inputs )
------- Original message -------
> From: codotinc <
> To:
> Sent: 2.5.'12, 9:35
> Hi there