I agree with Florian, I have sometimes been putting similar constraints on
myself too.
I am always interested in what way technology influences inspirational
thoughts/systems behind music making!
So no judgement here!
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Florian Anwander
> **
> Hello
> > ...Everyone else, resume your squabbling...
> We did not want to argue about digital or not, and for sure no one
> wanted to upset you. But your basic constraint was (and still is) not
> really clear. So we (or at least me) had to explain, what makes us worry.
> It would be really interesting for me, where you are making the
> distinction between digital aspects, which you accept for yourself, and
> those, you don't accept. Where is the boarder
> Florian
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