Already sent this to Dieter...he suggested I bounce it off you chaps:
Dieter's response is first:
from the distance it's difficult to make a diagnosis. But as the fuses are
blown I'd assume that one of the modules is not installed correctly (e.g.
displaced bus connector) and causes a short circuit on the bus. Or a module
is defective and causes a short circuit.
I'd recommend to remove all modules that have been moved (in any case A-130
and A-140) to find out if then the fuse does not blow any longer. If this
does not help all modules have to be removed from the bus. Maybe another
module causes the problem. If even this does not help it's difficult (maybe
a defective power supply).
I'd also recommend to join the A-100 Yahoo user's group as the members of
this group are very experienced A-100 users and are willing to pass on their
experience even to other users:
Maybe one of the members has another idea what could be wrong.
Best regards
Dieter Doepfer
> I DESPERATELY need your help!
> Attached is a picture of the affected corner of my modular.
> I feel very stupid, because I decided to try to swap positions of
> the A-140 (directly to the left of the power module) and the
> A-130 VCA (top right of case), simply for the perceived
> convenience. I discovered I made a HUGE mistake, because two
> problems resulted:
> 1. The envelope stopped working entirely. I could play the
> synth, but only by turning the A-130's gain clockwise, so the
> sound just droned indefinitely. It didn't matter what the switch
> position on the A-140 was....none of the knobs did anything.
> I switched the modules back to their original positions in an
> attempt to get the ADSR to work properly again, and then this happened:
> 2. Upon power up, the fuse was immediately blown. I replaced it
> with a new one, and powered up again. Fuse was blown also after
> the lights of the modules came up briefly. This happened a third
> time, so I'm down to only two fuses left, which I do not wish to
> waste before getting your help.
> I had the system set up for me at Big City in California, and I
> did not pay attention to which exact pin receptacle (of the many
> mounted on the power rail) each module was plugged into. Is this
> critical I heard that it is not recommended to mount certain
> types of modules directly next to the power panel...did I cause
> the power regulator to go by messing with what was an ideal set-up
> Thank you
> David Waldman
Can anybody tell me the precise designation of the fuses I need to get a bunch more now.