Thanks for the information. I discovered the problem, however....I was quite lucky to do so.
Turns out that one of the receptacles on the power rail was defective, so whatever was plugged into it appeared to be defective, since the mere connection to this receptacle would cause the fuse to blow. So, I covered it over with a piece of duct tape, and plugged the A-140 into another receptacle. Everything is fine now.
Thank you for all your help!
--- In
, Florian Anwander <fanwander@...> wrote:
> Hello David
> > I got my modular around 10 years I don't know if it's the
> > older the new. Is there any code on the casing that would tell me
> have a look in the case.
> An old supply has a black or blue rectangular transformer.
> the new ones have a round silver transformer:
> > If it is the old style, would an 800mA fuse hurt
> If there is a failure, which should blow the fuse, then fuse will blow
> later, means at higher currents which might damage the transformer.
> Florian