Hi Pierre,
Have you tried the A134 I use that module in the crossfade mode for some
of the things you mention.
Op 10 jun. 2012 16:19 schreef "Pierre" <
> het volgende:
> **
> Dear Dieter Doepfer,
> I'm facing many situations were it could be useful to have a simple mixer
> with only two inputs. Dry/wet mix, adding another CV to a VCA or a VCF,
> mixing only two VCO ...
> A dual module with a layout similar to the A-133 or A-132-3 would be so
> cool.
> A lin/exp switch and another one for bipolar operation
> Some alternate behaviour to scale (offset, reverse) a signal when there's
> only one input in use
> Cheers,
> Pierre
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]