> I am considering buying a 4096 stage bbd module. Thought to ask what
> type of filter you suggest to reduce the hsvco's noise.
> I've seen demos with lowpass and wasp filters too. I might need more
> possiblities and I might need the vco noise sometimes so at this
> moment I'm hesitating between a standard lowpass and a wasp/sem type
> filter... I guess there is no major technical difference/difficulty
> between the filtered clock tracking between these two filters...
> What are your experiences Thanks!
> AndrĂ¡s
I have a 4096 I think Doepfer's BBD is an interesting concept with a very makeshift exteral solution to noise rather than what I'd call a proper solution.
Bakis is correct and Doepfer recommends the A108 as the best answer from what's out there but it's an expensive and partial answer.
Basically, IMHO Doepfer's interesting concept is to skip the signal pre and post treatment every BBD I've encountered has offered (with varying quality) since the first BBD delays of the 70s. Basically Doepfer brings down the price point and gives you a delay with a great feedback shaping path that seems intended to only emphasize the BBD artifacts. If you want them this is the delay module to get. What's missing is anything near a comprehensive signal optimizing option either internal or in a separate module.
Filtering the clock is only part of what pretty much every other BBD based unit does. Most everything also compands (compresses the dynamics in, expands out). You don't have a readymade module solution. It's not impossible to patch a some sort of compressor and expander, though I think few have tried. Well I guess Cwejman has a $725 compressor but that's not a realistic solution to make an affordable BBD device work in higher fidelity.
So basically, imho, the way to look at it is nothing simple or cheap will give the Doepfer BBD delays the fidelity of many other BBD delays. It's the module series to get if you want the artifacts. Considering the cost and only partial solution of the A-108 you may wish to consider an entirely different delay module design that gets you a cleaner sound from the get go. The A-108 is only a step of improvement though you can use it for something else when you aren't using the delay module.