I would love to see this module happen! The monophonic nature of analog could be handled with a bank of switches to select scale relationships, along with 1 or 2 extra cv or switching inputs for more control. It doesn't need to be perfect or on par with the best arpeggiators out there, I'd be happy with just the 32 pre-defined patterns as suggested. Clock in, main CV in, chord cv in, gate out, cv out would make me very happy :) Maybe also a way to control the pattern via cv but really in use I don't think it's needed, flipping a switch is probably easier than playing a chord on a real keyboard :P
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 09:15:02 +0000
Subject: 1 arpeggiator
Dear group,
As far as I can see nothing ever happened after this poll:
http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/Doepfer_a100/surveys id=12372197
Has interest in an arpeggiator waned completely, or was it dismissed as not feasible
Warm regards,
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