I myself would be happy with a step sequencer that allowed you to enter the notes via a MIDI keyboard. You would set the sequencer to "record", enter the notes till done, hit "stop" and then you played them like you would a normal analogue sequencer with knobs. No timing or note length info recorded - just note values. The Record and stop features would also have a gate in to control them remotely. The addition of a "overdub" feature would make it playable in live situations. When overdub was initiated the notes playing back would be replaced by the new ones inputed. When the MIDI note was high the recorded note playing back at that time would be replaced by the new value - not playing would not erase the note, you would have a erase button for that. pressing that button while a note plays would remove it.
Of course all the typical playing modes would be there - forwards, backwards, pendulum etc. - and all mode with buttons would have gate/trigger inputs also.
I used to have 3 Sequential Systems Pro-Ones and used to play them with the gates out of a TR-808. You could load sequences easily into them and play them back easily. The added bonus is when you drive the sequence with a gate pattern with les or more notes than the sequence has. You get complex rhythms and sequences that can be made to not repeat for long times. Fun stuff.
The best thing would be to also make a companion module that is a rhythm sequencer. It would function loke the one above bur would not record notes but just gate on times. Tap a button and that rhythm come out.
James Husted
Designer, Synthwerks LLC
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