if the minimoog keyboard has high note priority (i do not know that), the performer you say, probably he had hit low note (with its volume to zero) then he turns the volume up on the minimoog and he hits the high note he wants and hence the big glide to that high note....(assuming that the minimoog has portamento which i think it has... ) never had a minimoog....
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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From: Norbert Varga <
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: 1 Manfred Mann's Blinded By The Light "glide" effect
Hi Zoe,
Thank you very much but I'm pretty sure it's not done with glide. On the
video I can see him hitting only the high C on the Minimoog,
not two keys. The "glide" starts low and the pitch increases until it
reaches that C. I'll play this song live and with right hand I need to play
the quick triplets on the organ so I'll only have one hand to do everything
else, just like hi does on the video.
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