Actually on the A112 there is no standard position for the tuning knob. SO
it's not really off.
I am already very happy with the first results.
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 4:23 PM, Zo� Blade <
> wrote:
> **
> Hi again!
> So I've just heard back from Ernst, who was kind enough to beta test my
> script for me. Apparently the tuning's way off, so you currently need to
> set the knob to about 8 or 9, but otherwise it's pretty much working. (This
> surprised me too, for a first attempt!) So in order to rapidly fix this, I
> think I'll need to wait until I've got my own A-112 module to play with. In
> the meantime, rather than leave everyone with nothing, I figure you'd
> probably prefer to have something you can play with right now, even if it's
> currently imperfect.
> Here's the script as it is so far:
I'll fix the tuning issue and
> add proper comments and documentation in a few weeks or so, hopefully. The
> script's part of a larger open source project of mine that lets you change
> the bit depth, sample rate and so on of wave files, split up large wave
> files into lots of little single hits, stuff like that. So anyone with a
> decent mic, an A-112, and lots of free time, a fun weekend is assured! :D
> Anyway, for any programmers on this mailing list, you can fork the project
> from
and play around with it, fix
> things and add features as much as you like.
> For anyone with an A-112 who wants to send some 8-bit .wav files to it
> RIGHT NOW, here's a quick step-by-step guide:
> * Download
> * Rename it
> * Install Python 3 from
> * Go to the command line, into the directory with and your
> .wav file
> * Type in "python3 [whatever].wav"
> You should have a new .syx file that you can plop into your sysex sending
> tool of choice, such as C6 or any of the others.
> This should work on Windows, OS X, Linux, BSD, and so on. Let me know of
> any bugs and I'll try to fix them as soon as I can.
> Enjoy!
> Zo�.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]