I've been following this thread with interest and was looking forward to
getting more out of my a112. I've downloaded and installed Python3, put the
script into a folder with .wav files but when I use Windows command I get
the message - python3 is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong
On 22 October 2012 18:20, achtung_999 <
> Unfortunately no time at the moment! Tomorrow night!
> Op 22 okt. 2012 19:03 schreef "Zoė Blade" <
> het
> volgende:
> > **
> >
> >
> > If there's a clock cycle every 200 nanoseconds, that's 5000000 clock
> > cycles a second (in other words, it's running at 5mHz)... So I should
> > probably divide that by the sample frequency, so it knows how many cycles
> > to pause for in between updating the output value, instead of dividing
> the
> > sample frequency by 5, which probably does nothing useful at all.
> >
> > If someone could grab a fresh copy of my script and tell me if the
> > tuning's spot on or even worse now, that'd be really useful! :D
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Zoė.
> >
> >
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