If there isn't really a *financial* opportunity cost associated with my
time, I think I could leave that off my calculation -- basically, it
looks like the job would cost about US$50 per module, or perhaps US$450
per row of modules. Obviously that isn't a small cost, but including
the original cost of the Doepfer module, especially if you saved money
by getting it pre-owned, it still generally comes out generally cheaper
than, say, midway between MOTM's assembled and kit prices (and there's
actually much less than half the amount of work). Comparing is hard
because features differ.
But yes, unless one ended up saving a lot of money, it might not pay
off, and if bigger panels were the priority, it would probably be better
to move to a larger-format make. And yes, designing the panels would be
a nice opportunity to customize but would take time.
It would be much easier if I left the pots alone and dealt only with the
jacks, but there the knob spacing issues might deter much interest in
going for a new panel at that point, as larger knobs at that spacing
wouldn't feel or look right.
A further possibility suggested to me by someone would be devising a 3U
patch panel between 6U Doepfer rack cases, a la Technosaurus. That
would eliminate patchcord clutter and provide jacks of one's choice. A
main issue there would be that you couldn't move modules around at will
anymore unless the patch panels came along for the ride. I don't know
how Technosaurus deals with that question.
This is all stuff to weigh, because on balance I love my Doepfer system,
and anything that enhances my pleasure in using it and even ends up
saving me a couple of thousand dollars over other makes, could be
interesting to look into. Frankly if it were more expensive to begin
with I'd never even dream of customizing it -- the overall cost would be
From: Florian Anwander <Florian.Anwander@c...>
Date: Tue Oct 22, 2002 3:42 am
Subject: Re: 1 Question about re-mounting Doepfer modules
Corresponding to the prices, noisejazz gives, a standard module like
would cost:
Faceplate 20UKP
Five good(!) Jacks 8UKP
Five MOTM style knobs 4UKP
Two hours of work 40UKP (this is my special price I offer myself ;-) )
So you are around 80 UKP or 125 EUR. A 4 Row system with around 9
like a A120 would cost 4500 EUR !!!! Only for Faceplates and buttons !!!
BTW This are 80 hours of work (and I don't know whether the design of
faceplates is included in noisejazz's calculation). This means: if you
to do this in your sparetime after job, it will take you months to do
Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München
email: florian.anwander@c... |