sweet :)
2013/1/9 Ded Mousie <
> **
> > I want to be able to switch modulation sources with CV
> Are you looking to switch between inputs A, B, C, D, or do you want a
> smooth fade between the sources For wave sequencing or even modulation
> routings, seems a programmable fade between sources would be better,
> unless you specifically want a switch - so you're looking for an
> interpolating scanner.
> I'm not sure there's an equivalent in the Doepfer range, but it could be
> patched with a combination of modules.
> Vector mixing with something like the Intellijel Planar does this with
> either audio or CV sources.
> The Toppobrillo Mixiplexer (don't think it's out just yet) looks like
> the cat's pajamas for this too.
Peter H.K Sedin
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