Thanks for the fast answer Dieter, but the 190-2's are in independent cases - no connections.
If I turn up the VCA gain until I hear a constant audible sound I can hear it is responding to the whole frequency range.
Danny Budts
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 11:56 AM
Subject: AW: 1 190-2 Strange behavier
> I have reassembled my Doepfer modular and now I have a strange
> behavier with one of my two A-190-2's.
> I only have about 4 octaves of CV.
> When I choose C1 as reference it goes from A1 to C6, when I
> choose C0 it goes from C1 to C5. I do not have this behavier with
> my other A-190-2, even not when I swap them.
> The strange behavier also lasts when I use the outher Gate / CV
> pins instead of the internal connection.
> Anybody have a clue
> TIA,
> Danny
Pay attention that only ONE transmitter for CV and Gate is allowed on each
bus board. Maybe this causes the limited CV problem. Remove the
corresponding jumper on the A-190-2 module and use the front panel jacks to
be on the safe side. Otherwise please return the module for repair to the
dealer where you purchased the unit.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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