Thank you very much for the quick answer.
Best wishes
Pieter Volger
Am 16.04.2013 um 13:29 schrieb
> > Hi all,
> > is it possible to reduce the calibration-range of the FCV2
> > attenuator on the A-106-6 module. If I go beyond 4 on the scale
> > I am already beyond the audible range when modulating with an LFO
> > or ADSR. I bought the module used so I don't know if it is
> > originaly calibrated like this. Thanks a lot.
> > Pieter
> I'm sorry - there is no calibration for FCV2. Fully CW the sensitivity of
> FCV2 is about 0.5V/oct, in center position about 1V/oct. But I wonder that
> you are in position 4 already beyond the audible range with an ADSR or LFO.
> Maybe the frequency offset has to be adjusted. That's P6, labelled OFFSET.
> With all frequency controls at the front panel fully CCW the frequency of
> the filter should be about 10-15Hz (can be measured e.g. in self oscillation
> with a frequency meter).
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
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