--- In
, "adzelemental" <adam.elemental@...> wrote:
> I just got an a155 fixed (which I can confirm is working properly on its own),
> and carefully connected it to the a154 (from here
> I get strange behaviour - it jumps around steps 1 and 2 twice then 7 and 8 twice. Both were bought on a trade forum, the a155 was cheap as it was broken and I just got it fixed, now I'm wondering if the a154 might be faulty too
> Does this behaviour sound familiar to anyone
> Thanks
Hi Adam,
to see if the A-154 is responsible for breaks notes, it must be "cut" there is a switch "man on / off" place "on"
If you bought the A-155 on the forum or we're both, I remember that there was an A-155 (+ or - to ⬠100) and indeed, it was defective, it was stated in the announces that he jumped notes, maybe you have bought it the
Good night, I sleep :-)