--- In
, "adzelemental" <adam.elemental@...> wrote:
> Thanks Flo
> Yes I did buy the a155 defecting, and then took it to EMIS Music here in Bristol to be fixed. The a155 on its own seems to be working as it should, all steps play in sequence.
> But after connecting the a154 it displays this strange behaviour, missing out steps 3-6.
> I might take it to EMIS too.. its a nice cycle from where I live :)
> --- In
, "flosynth" <fleur.de.florence01@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In
, "adzelemental" <adam.elemental@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I just got an a155 fixed (which I can confirm is working properly on its own),
> > > and carefully connected it to the a154 (from here
> > >
> > > I get strange behaviour - it jumps around steps 1 and 2 twice then 7 and 8 twice. Both were bought on a trade forum, the a155 was cheap as it was broken and I just got it fixed, now I'm wondering if the a154 might be faulty too
> > >
> > > Does this behaviour sound familiar to anyone
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> >
> >
> > Hi Adam,
> >
> > to see if the A-154 is responsible for breaks notes, it must be "cut" there is a switch "man on / off" place "on"
> >
> > If you bought the A-155 on the forum or we're both, I remember that there was an A-155 (+ or - to ⬠100) and indeed, it was defective, it was stated in the announces that he jumped notes, maybe you have bought it the
> >
> > Good night, I sleep :-)
> >
> > Flo
> >
Hello Adam,
If the A-155 works well when alone, then it is clear that the problem comes from the A-154, If potentiometers corresponding to the modes, the first note and the last note are set way to play 8 notes continued, then there is an electronic problem on the a-154
I can just give you advice to recheck the wiring in case it would set a bad connection (not pushed in)
It's always annoying when there is a problem
good luck