> Hello list,
> I was just wondering if the updated version of the A126 (using the a143-9
> as its oscillator) is still in the planning..
> Any others here interested in this
> grtz
> Ernst
A new frequency shifter module is still in the holding pattern. But it has a
lower priority as the inquiries for a new frequency shifter module are very
poor. Other modules like A-190-5, A-190-4, A-190-8 or the A-157 series have
a higher priority and will be finished earlier. Modules with lower priority
are at the moment the thru-zero VCO, the frequency shifter,
pitch-to-CV/Midi/USB, low-cost VCO (6 or 8 HP, saw and rectangle only),
fluctuating random voltages, multiple synced VCLFO and some others.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer