> Is there a difference in the span of the tuning knob between the
110 and
> 111 I can tune my 111s up or down about an augmented 4th, but the
> range on the 110s seems less, so that I can't necessarily bring it
to a
> specific pitch without a CV. Is that weird performance that differs
> from other people's 110s (Personally I prefer the sound of the
The A-110 manual entry is a little inaccurate:- working back from the
schematic the tune knob covers a third of a volt in total, or about
+/- 2 semitones from the central position. The A-111 coarse knob
covers a volt, i.e. +/- 1/2 an octave, as the manual says; the fine
knob is one-tenth of this, so covers a little more than +/- a half
semitone. V. quick measurements on my 110 and 111 seem to agree with
these rough calcs, so no, you've not got weird performance!