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hum...ok. so its good :)
Do you know what is for P17 trimmer it says scale, but apparently its not doing anything...
---In, <maq163x2@...> wrote:
That may just be the way it is. Other synths, sequencers, and convertors have a similar offset, which you can compensate for with the tune knob on whatever synth or VCO you at controlling. The important thing is that the scale is 1V/Oct, which .3, 1.3, 2.3... is.
Sent from the future
On Nov 10, 2013, at 2:22 PM, < aletropdj@... > wrote:
Hi all,
When I got my ms404 a few years ago I knew that was not calibrated, and today I got some time.Because I couldn't calibrate, I found P2 pot was lose. It was desoldered and after fixing I could set the CV scale.But in the end the cv out its 0.3v, 1.3v, 2.3v, etc...
any tip