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---In, <yahoo@...> wrote:
please find my answers written inline.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
> But as Dieter pointed out, the more I considered this patch, theThat's the mentioned flipflop circuit. The output will turn high as soon as
> less I believed it would work. The AND output would be a gate
> stream at audio rate, rather than a held-high gate. If Dieter's
> future "gate delay" module could be adapted to delay based on the
> FIRST zero crossing ONLY, that might work, but I wouldn't know
> how to design such a circuit.
the first pulse of the "gate stream at audio rate" appears and stay high
until the gate turns low.
> Dieter, would the signal based on CV changes be similar to the Gate Out onthe A-156
No. It's a very simple analog circuit. One solution is a low frequency high
pass followed by comparators to separate the negative and positive pitch
changes. Another solution is to compare the original stepped CV with the
slewed CV (generated by means of a slew limiter). Such a circuit is often
called "new pitch detector".