Hello group!
I generally hide in the shadows, eagerly awaiting my Doepfer Yahoo
Group daily digests. However, I have a slightly off topic question
for you gurus. I'm interested in making some of my own modules.
I've played around with the idea for months. (I made a tap plate
using force sensing resistors, and hooked up an oopic to the beast.)
I think someone from this group sent around a link to a German
company that can manufacture front panels. Does anyone know of a
company in the United States that does the same thing Here's the
link for the German company:
Also, I'd love to learn how to get circuit boards manufactured (like
Doepfer does it... all professional!) Can anyone recommend books or
web sites that discuss the process
Thirdly, can anyone suggest good mini-jacks I hear switchcraft is
good, but I'm not sure where to buy them from.
Thanks a ton.
- Bret