I think this is a great discussion, and I like the idea of a
modular sequencer system.
I don't have anything to add on the clocking/addressing/run mode
issues, but here's a few random observations.
I interpreted Dieters message to mean that a new A154 sequencer
would be based on the current A155 panel, with the
ability for a use to upgrade their A155 to the new circuits. I can
think of pros and cons to this approach (i.e. the "curse of
compatibility"), but I tend to think the pros would outweigh the cons.
Regarding midi, I think this should be handled in a separate
CV/Gate-to-midi convertor module, possibly multichannel. This would
eliminate the risk that midi considerations would end up driving the
I can think of some modules on the back end - especially a gate
length/delay module. Basically what the A162 would be in this
environment, with clock and trigger inputs, voltage-controlled delay
time, and voltage-controlled note (gate) length (quantized to 1/16,
1/8, dotted, triplets etc.)
I'd also like a random trigger module, with clock and sequenced CV
inputs. It would randomly output a trigger on a clock pulse depending
on the value of the CV (low CV - low probability, high CV - high
probability, normalized to the sequencers standard CV voltage range).
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., Florian Anwander <Florian.Anwander@c...>
> Hi ringmod45
> > who need a better understanding, please check out the following
> >
> > this is the most flexible system, that can tailored to your needs.
> I didn't knwo this. This really the direction I want a system like
> > basically the SH101 sequencer and arpeggiator.
> Yes!!!! I love the SH101-style sequencer. I own the 101, the JX3P
and the
> MSQ-100 (MIDI-sequencer with realtime and 101 style!). I always
wished a
> 101 style in the Sc*%&twerk...
> One module which could give this system its market power should be a
> MIDI-Out. So Doepfer would sell this module line not only to the
> fetishists, but also to all MIDIicians.
> Florian
> --
> Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
> Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software
> Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669
> email: florian.anwander@c... |