> Hi Dieter, I am considering buying the A-111-1 module but am
> concerned that should the chip go down in the future am I left
> with an unusable module
> Regards, Lee.
I understand you concerns. But we had not more than 3 or 4 A-111-1 repairs
with defective CEM3340 during the last 15 years. The CEM3340 is sensitive
against short circuits or electrostatic charging. But as soon as it is built
into a module with suitable circuitry and the module is connected in the
right way to the A-100 bus board the CEM3340 is very reliable from our
experience. And in the worst case I'm quite sure that one will find a single
CEM3340 even in the future (e.g. you can find currently CEM3340 on Ebay for
US$80 + shipping). And of course we will keep some CEM3340 as spare parts
after the A-111-1 is sold out.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer