> Hi!
> At the moment I have this tedious step while making music: I make
> every note slightly shorter so that they don't overlap, in order
> to get the gate to retrigger for each and every note.
> It's occurred to me that the A-140's retrigger input exists for
> just such a purpose, so I don't have to do that. Is there any
> way to get the MCV-24 to output a trigger with each new note, or
> each subsequent overlapping new note This would save me (and
> maybe other people too ) a lot of time!
> Thanks,
> Zoƫ.
As far as I remember (the MCV24 is out of production since about 7 years)
this was possible. There was a parameter called "retrigger time" (or
similar) which was used to define the retrigger behaviour. Details should be
mentioned in the user's manual. Or you contact Christian Assall
). He programmed the MCV24 firmware and may be he
remembers this detail.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer