> Hi!
> To state the problem first: It doesn't work properly.
> I am on a Windows 8.1 machine running Ableton Live 9 (64 bit) and
> am trying to sync my modular which has a couple of sequencers to
> e.g. a drum beat in Live.
> The A-190-8 is connected via USB (via a USB hub) to the computer.
> The clock output of the A-190-8 (96) then goes into a Pamela's
> Workout which is supposed to do clock dividing and distribution.
> Ableton Live ---[clock/USB]---> A-190-8 ----[96]---> Pamela's
> ---> sequencers
> The clock speed that Pamela shows on its (her ) display is
> a) not the one that Ableton Live outputs (say 105 vs 120 bpm) and
> b) constantly fluctuating by about 3-5% (e.g. from 100-105 bpm)
> What could be the problem I understand that Live's clock is
> probably not super tight and that there are timing issued when
> using a computer-MIDI-clock but I really thought it wouldn't be as bad....
First of all I'd check if the modular system is in sync with Ableton Live (I
mean checking by ear, not looking at the bpm displays). If it's out of sync
please contact Christian Assall (
). He programmed the
A-190-8 firmware and tried the module with different setups (but no Win8.1
as far as I know).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer