Really good suggestions.
I was surprised not to see PWM on the mock-up.
The idea to run two a155's is very good, although I would want to be
able to switch the 154 out so I can use one of the 155's as normal.
Tricky one that I expect.
David Salter
Reuters Consulting
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-----Original Message-----
From: ringmod45 [mailto:
Sent: 08 November 2002 08:57
Subject: 1 Re: ok group,CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!(A154
hi Bakis. the module looks good , but i see the need for a few
adjustments. the 4 led's to tell which direction it is moving
in, is
very confusing, especially in a live context with dim lights.
my suggestion is to have 8 horizontal led's which indicate the
direction the sequencer will follow. here are the possibilites
chasing one another to the right for forward movement
chasing one another to the left for reverse movement
chasing one another to the right then back to the left for
mode 1 and flashing the last leds twice for pendulum mode 2
random is just what it means a random diplay of its position.
the plus side to this is its cheap and would provide a cool
show as well. hint blue led's. also you could have the VC Clock
the led's in time like the A145, 146 and 147 lfo's.
the voltage controlled clock should have a variable pulse width
an input and manual pot.
you could also add a reference envelope output for every stage
the A142 which is basically a linear decay envelope to to do
percussive sounds , this would save your envelopes for more
here is the Feature i crave the most!!
Two 10 pin connectors on on the back so you can have a VC
selection for 2 sequencers to have 16 steps. you could have a
to tie both the sequencers together or have them work separately
the vc clock.
in the files section under proposed A154, i have done a shityy
photoshop version with the suggested features.
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@y...>
> hi list,
> here is the hidden link:
> OPINIONS,THOUGHTS................
> bakis.
> =====
> synthfreak(parallel worlds)
> athens-greece
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