> I loved the idea you had a few years back when you just released
> the A143-9 Dieter....
> Making a new version as extension of that module.
> What Happened to that idea
> grtz
> Ernst
The idea is still the same, i.e. using an external quadrature oscillator for
the frequency shift. But the new frequency shifter will be equipped with a
squelch circuit (envelope follower and VCA) that suppresses the oscillator
feedthrough when no signal is present.
And we have also finished the development of the for a long time announced
thru-zero-quadrature VCO and will present the module at NAMM in January. The
module has a pure sine/cosine core and the waveforms are not derived from
other signals (like sawtooth or triangle). Consequently the sine/cosine have
a high quality with no overtones. It's not yet sure if it will be released
as a single module (e.g. for the frequency shifter) or a dual
thru-zero-quadrature VCO with voltage controlled FM indices (i.e. for each
FM direction 1->2 and 2->1, also for cross modulation). But we will probably
prefer the single version as not every user looks for a dual module. And the
dual version can be simply realized by two of the modules and a dual VCA
(e.g. A-132-3).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer