Hello Nick
Great blog post!
When I read your post, another method to create a shuffled clock came to
my mind:
Any LFO -> A-162(1) Trigger Delay -> A-165 Trigger Modifier +/-Out ->
A-162(2) Trigger Delay (or A-142-1)
Any LFO -> A-142-1 Voltage Controlled Decay/Gate -> A-165 Trigger
Modifier +/-Out -> A-162(2) Trigger Delay (or A-142-1)
LFO with variable Pulsewidth -> A-165 Trigger Modifier +/-Out -> A-162
Trigger Delay (or A-142-1)
All these methods have in common: The first trigger delay (or the
VC-Gate) creates a controllable pulse length for the LFO - it should be
more than 50%. This non-symmetrical pulse is converted into two spikes
by the Trigger Modifier. The second Trigger Delay creates the two
triggers wich are used for the sequencer steps (and eventually as gate
for the envelopes).
And btw, you are asking in your post:
> Perhaps ratios <50% are techincally known by another name
Yes there is a name for. It is called "stumbling" ;-)
To be honest: shuffle / swing ratios less than 50% are not interesting
from the musical point of view.
Am 11.11.2014 04:10, schrieb Nicholas Keller
http://niroke.blogspot.com/2014/11/more-155-tricks-way-to-shuffle-your.html m=1