Thanks Diieter - but I’m still a little confused.
If the 2xA155s are running in parallel and I select first at step 2 and last at step 5 (on the dials - but what I really want to select are step 2 and step13 of a 16 step sequence), then when the first A155 cycles through, the A154 will address steps 2 and 5, and simply cycle between them and step 8 is never reached to trigger steps 9-16. Even when the first A155 has 8 steps the A150 switches to the CV output of the second A155, won’t the fist and last steps still be 2 and 5 be addressed again at the same place on the 2nd unit and stuck in that cycle from steps 10-13
Sorry for making this sound complicated - I’m sure there is a simple explanation that eludes me :-)
> On Nov 28, 2014, at 9:03 PM,
1 <
> wrote:
>> Hi all - did a quick search through the old topics but couldn't find an answer to my question, so here goes...
>> How does the First/Last step controller work when 2x155s are in series, linked by the A150 VCS
>> When the 9/16 switch is flipped, does the last step output automatically have 8 added to it so it addresses steps 9-16 on
>> the second A155
>> Example, I want to run random seq/pendulum etc between steps 3-13 : can I do this
>> Reason for asking is that my 2nd A155 is in the post today and I wanted to think about this issue before it arrives.
>> Appreciate any advice
>> Steve
> Yes, this will work - provided that the A-154/A-155/A-150 are patched correctly. But for both A-155 the steps 1-8 will be addressed
> in parallel. The switching between the stages 1-8 and 9-16 is carried out by the A-150 which is controlled by the 9-16/A3 output of
> the A-154.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
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