> Thanks Diieter - but I’m still a little confused.
> If the 2xA155s are running in parallel and I select first at step 2 and last at step 5 (on the dials - but what I really
> want to select are step 2 and step13 of a 16 step sequence), then when the first A155 cycles through, the A154 will
> address steps 2 and 5, and simply cycle between them and step 8 is never reached to trigger steps 9-16. Even when the
> first A155 has 8 steps the A150 switches to the CV output of the second A155, won’t the fist and last steps still be 2
> and 5 be addressed again at the same place on the 2nd unit and stuck in that cycle from steps 10-13
> Sorry for making this sound complicated - I’m sure there is a simple explanation that eludes me :-)
> Steve
As already mentioned the A-150 does the switching between steps 1-8 (A-155#1) and 9-16 (A-155#2). When the A-155 is not selected by
the A-150 it does not matter which step is adressed. If you select e.g. 5/11 as first/last step both A-155 will be addressed that
way: 5-6-7-8/1-2-3/5-6-7-8/1-2-3 and so on. The A-150 does the switching between the steps 5-6-7-8 coming from A-155#1 (which are
the "real" steps 5-8) and 1-2-3 coming from A-155#2 (which become the "virtual" steps 9-11).
I hope this helps to understand the A-154/A-155 combo. Please refer also to the A-154 user's manual (especially the pages 9-11)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer