A passive Mult wouldn't guarantee the effect you want.
What you need is some type of waveshaping (i.e. a nonlinearity)
*after* the addition.
It's possible that an active mult could achieve this, but only if you overloaded it with the osc signals.
I don't know though, I'm only a Dark Energy user ;-)
On 02/12/2014 17:57, David Kellett
1 wrote:
> My understanding of mixers like the A 138 is that they are designed to NOT produce the effect that I want - they are designed to minimise the artefacts of bringing the signals together. I'm specifically looking to create interaction effects. As I said in the initial email about using a mult "it would be non linear and give more rich harmonics - or so I understand. ( Page 175 Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques and Controls, Allen Strange)." It is what Strange suggests - using a mult - but I'm wondering how to make it "safe" for the oscillators.
> David