Agreed. This is the key feature that the Analogue Solutions sequencers
have and it makes a bit difference when your in the middle of a track
and want to bring the sequence back in without having to mess about or
think what you are doing.
David Salter
Reuters Consulting
Tel: +44 20 7542 2402
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-----Original Message-----
From: ringmod45 [mailto:
Sent: 09 November 2002 17:02
Subject: 1 A154 important feature request.
Hi Bakis, since the A154 will be addressing the stages of the
directly. i would to like see a LAST STEP RESET SWITCH OR BUTTON
added the A154.
Why when you are using midi or the A154 controls to start and
the A155, you have to step thru all of the stages to the last
(i.e. step 8 or step 16) so it starts on step # 1 to be in sync.
a simple but very useful feature.
please forward this to Mr.Doepfer. thanks.
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