> I am amazed the CV and Gate busses have not been adopted by more Eurorack makers. Almost ALL of the CV and Gate producing
> modules that we make have jumpers inside to select its use or not. The ones that don’t are because of size constraints
> (the 16-pin header is hard to fit on a 4HP module). I personally have made the mods that Dieter mentioned wherever
> possible in my rig. In some cases with other companies modules, I had to replace a jack with a normalized one but in the
> case of Doepfer modules, all the jacks seem normalized.
> Dieter - one thing that can be annoying when making the mod on some of the older modules you make, on many modules the
> unused normalized pins on the jacks are connected to the regular pins and can be a problem to cut. If they happen to be
> under the jack it is even harder. I wish that when normalized jacks are used as input jacks (which I would love to see in
> all input uses) that makers would just make that PCB pad bigger or go to a blank square or something to make soldering to
> it easier. Back in the day I used to sell E-Mu modulars from a store in Seattle and one thing I remembered form them is
> that every input and output jack was normalized and the switching pin of the jack went to a molex pin on the PCB so yo
> could make custom normalization any way you wanted. This was a added expense that would be a burden to many makers, but a
> un-drilled pad on the PCB cost nothing and the DIY crowd would LOVE you for it.
> -James
That's valid only for older modules which were designed on the old ATARI system. For all new modules and whenever we redesign a
module the two terminals are no longer connected and in some cases the switching contacts are even wired to a separate pin next to
the socket in case that a customer wants to normalize the socket (e.g. A-138, A-132-2).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer