hi Ethan, i also suscribe to the synth.com group, and in one of the
last posts, someone asked if you could skip notes a la Moog 960. the
answer is obviously No. but, someone did mention that you could have
a skip input jack like the one on the Analogue Systems RS 200. check
the url below .
i think this feature should to be included in the A154. you could use
one of the trigger busses to skip notes on the fly. a very important
feature. for polyrhythms and real time improvising.
see how little functions go unheard of or even mentioned in
discussions, that's why more input is smoetimes needed.
would do you guys think of this feature Mr.Doepfer
is this feature possible
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "ethanzer0" <ethanzer0@y...> wrote:
> It appears doepfer users are not the only
> modular users excited about the A-154.
> Check out the stiring over at the
> synthesizers.com group:
> Ethan