> Alas, Christian says that it is currently an unsolved problem. Hmm… It’s early for me still, I haven’t had enough coffee
> and I am not near the unit. So an external clock will solve the problem and a A-160-5 will want the external clock
> anyway, correct Do I run into any problem if I still have the A-154 connected to the A-155 but am clocking it with an
> external clock (4MS QCD for example) parsed through a A-160-5
> I do very much appreciate the system you built, Dieter, and the fact that we can reach you through this group.
> Best,
> Kazys
As far as I know the internal clock unit of the A-154 is separate from the rest of the module. It just generates a clock signal with
voltage controlled frequency and pulse width. It affects the rest of the module only if no plug is inserted into the "ext. Clock"
socket as the internal clock signal is normalled to this socket. As soon as an external clock signal is used the internal clock
oscillator has no longer any function.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer