> It would be great to see a revised A-126, now that the quadrature VCO is out and about.
> Does someone have the latest info when Dieter is tackling a frequency shifter
> It's such a great module!!!
> best,
> Julian
We already began with the schematics. The old pcb layout system was based on an Atari and could not be used any longer. So far the
dome filter is ready. The rest of the circuit (multipliers, envelope follower, VCA and so on) will follow within the next few weeks
and then we can start to design the pc board. One problem is that the multipliers used in the A-126 (MC1496) are no longer available
and we have to replace them by other circuits (of find sufficien NOS MC1496). Maybe we can make it until end of the year. But I do
not want to promise anything.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer