> Found this from a discussion in 2009:
> "The LFO outputs are available at pin 7 (triangle) and pin 8 (rectangle) of
> the TL084. 1k protection resistors should be used to connect these pins to
> the additional sockets. And a simple voltage divider made of two resistors
> is recommended for the rectangle output because pin 8 outputs about +/-11V
> (i.e. ~ 22V overall voltage level).
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer"
> Is this also valid for the version 2
> And about the mentioned voltage divider: what values do you advise for these
The circuitry around the LFO has not changed. So these notes are valid for all versions of the module.
The dimensioning of the voltage divider depends upon the desired attenuation of the rectangle signal. The load of the voltage
divider should be not less that ~ 5k. E.g. 3k+3k would half the level, 3k+1k would divide the level by 4. You may even use a 5k or
10k trimming potentiometer.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer