> But the A-190-1 has a transistor-buffer in the gate-out line. So there
> is no danger at all.
I'm sorry but I have to contradict. The (old) A-190-1 had a transistor at the gate output together with a pull-up resistor connected
to +12V. The transistor was used as a switch to GND (similar to the Moog S-Trigger). As long as the transistor switch is open the
gate is "high" because of the pull-up resistor. As soon as the transistor switch closes the gate turns "low". If in this state a
voltage is applied to the gate bus the transistor maybe be fried (provided that the voltage applied is "powerful" enough to fry the
transistor). In later versions of the A-190-1 we added a serial resistor to avoid this problem (as well as in all other A-190-x
General information about the CV/Gate/bus subject is available on our website:
www.doepfer.com > Products > A-100 > Technical Details > Power Supply and System Bus
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer