hi all,
due to the capital controls, i can only buy modules from Greece.
so this is for Greece only. payment via paypal.
so, WTB one of the following,
for the Euro modular:
Mutable Instruments Elements
Verbos Electronics Complex Oscillator
Make Noise DPO
TipTop Audio Trigger Riot
Livewire AFG
Make Noise Rene
Make Noise Mysteron
Make Noise Telharmonic
Modcan FMVDO
Modcan Frequency Shifter
Dinsync DrumDokta2
Doepfer A110-4 TZ VCO
Doepfer A107 Multitype Morphing Filter
Mutable Instruments Grids
Pittsburgh Modular Game System
Synthesis Technology E340
Synthesis Technology E560
Harvestman Piston Honda mk1 or mk2
Harvestman Tyme Sefari and Sound of Thunder mk1 or mk2
Harvestman Zorlon Cannon mk1 or mk2
for the Buchla modular:
Eardrill modulemodules and modulemodule case.