Hi everyone!
So I got an A-171-2 primarily for sliding notes, and secondarily for all the other neat stuff you can do with it...
After a cursory attempt at using it, the pitch CV that comes out is nowhere near the one that goes in, quite aside from my inability to get it to slew properly...
Am I doing something wrong, or is this module really just intended for the more esoteric uses (LFO, envelope generator) only
Am I going to have more luck with an A-170 or A-171 I just want to slew notes like the MCV-24 does, only with the ability to manually ride the slew time knob as I'm playing, with the pitch CV value staying intact, slewing aside of course.
I'm running the pitch CV through an A-185-1 first, so buffering hopefully shouldn't be an issue.
(Of course, the correct fix for my problem would be to rewrite the MCV-24's firmware so it can slew only overlapping notes, but I doubt I'd be permitted to see that!)