> Hello Zoe
> > I don't suppose there's a solution that doesn't require buying an
> A-165 and A-166 and wiring up a complex patch :)
> That is why I've built my module. If Dieter wants to, he may take it
> into his module range.
> Florian
As I'm about to add some more auxiliary modules that include the functions of existing dual modules (e.g. A-184-1 which includes 1/2
A-114, 1/2 A-148 and 1/2 A-170) I could add something like 1/2 A-165 and 1/2 A-166. What I also wanted to have is an RS flip-flop (a
digital circuit with a set and reset input, a trigger signal at the set input causes the output to turn high, a trigger signal at
the reset input causes the output to turn low). I often miss this function in my setup. Maybe I can include all functions in one
module. Most of the pcb area would be the probably required by the level shifters at the inputs and outputs :-)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer