We added some features to the A-111-1 and renamed it to A-111-2:
- the nearly perfect triangle-to-sine converter suggested by Tim Stinchcombe in this group
- manual linear frequency control (for low frequencies close to 0 Hz)
- LFO mode
- LED display
- separate output buffer/amplifier for each waveform
- same levels for all waveforms (10Vpp)
The A-111-2 is based on the CEM3340 Rev G. There was a close cooperation with OnChip since 2015 regarding to the new CEM3340 and we
received the first samples in January during NAMM for our development. The first production batch of the CEM3340 Rev G arrived 2
weeks ago and the production of the A-111-2 during the next few days (we are still waiting for the latest front panel and pcb
samples). I'd expect the first modules about end of July/August. The A-111-3 is also based on the CEM3340 Rev G and we are working
on a Thru-Zero VCO based on the CEM3340 Rev G (module A-111-4).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
> Actually a question for the man himself, will there be an re-issue of the High End VCO with the new CEM 3340 Rev G VCO chip