> Hello Jacco
> Am 09.08.2016 um 15:17 schrieb
> > I recently bought the A-100MC case incl adapter.
> > With a maximum of 200mA ,which is a bit lean, I think I can't
> use it for a few modules to my wish.
> > Like the A190-4, A190-8 and....
> > Is it possible to use an other adapter with more power and if
> so, what is the maximum current to use for the regulator
> The regulators will do 1A, but they need appropriate heat sinks. Also
> the rectifier is assumingly not suitable for much higher currents; also
> the capacitors might be too small. Dieter will tell details assumingly.
> Larger heatsinks (like the ones for the A-100DIY) might be mounted flat
> on the rear panel; you'd have to unsolder the regulator. The rectifier
> and caps may have to be replaced with a larger one.
> Florian
It's all correct what Florian wrote:
You may need larger heat sinks and if ripples appear on the supply voltages
the electrolytic capacitors have to be increased.
And pay attention that you need a 9V AC adapter (not DC !)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer