> Hello Dieter,
> I have an issue with the A156.
> Besides the small notes on your website about tuning the A156 is
> there a more specific thing to measure
> Between the steps of 0.0833333 V there is a small window of quantizing.
> When the voltage goes up and down there it switches differently.
> I ask this because I used the P4 with a reference voltage of 1.00
> , 2.00 , 3.00 and 4,00V.
> Afterwards I used P1 and P2 to adjust but then I lost it a bit.
> Within voltage steps everything seems ok but now I"ll have to put
> the 0,083333 steps one by one and see if the output follows right
> Where are the points where the quantizer switches
> What is the factorysetting for that, when going voltage up and when down.
> Hope that I made a clear explaination.
> Best regards.
> Jacco Ville
> The Netherlands
I'd recommend to adjust the CV outputs with a wide spread (e.g. 0/5V). The
difference has to be as close as possible to 5.00V (e.g. +0.016 and +5.016V
or -0.03 and +4.97V), the absolute values are not important. The CV values
in between are defined by the precision (linearity) of the used DAC and
cannot be adjusted.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer